It’s been a busy time with the Shropshire one-to-one photography courses this last few weeks, and I’ve certainly had to cover a wide range of interests and needs from the photographers

On my Shropshire One-to-One photography courses I seem to have entertained just about everyone. From keen landscape photographers to students who wanted to get to grips with the mysteries of Street Photography. There have even been several photographers who preferred not to go out taking pictures at all – what they really wanted was to sit and talk about camera techniques and how to get more from their camera gear.
That’s all fine with me. Here in beautiful Shropshire we can cater for all areas of good photography whether it’s in town or the spectacular Shropshire Hills.

There’s not been much time to arrange and plan future Photography Workshops. Still, I do have two short and really interesting ones coming up in October – so please book early as I take only six photographers on each of these.
Wednesday 17th October
7.15pm – 9pm
6 photographers only
Saturday 20th October
10am – 12.30pm
6 photographers only
It will be great to welcome photographers of all abilities and experience on both of these Photography Workshops – they are intended to be instructive, enjoyable and fun.
Just contact Philip Dunn if you’d like to know more about any of the photography tuition he offers in Shropshire